I place all artists on a pedestal. Even those I don’t understand. Unique beings that walk amongst us. Questioners, seekers, provokers, illuminators. I like this idea.
They are often misunderstood, gentle, passive and eloquent. I like this idea also.
They are singular. They march to the beat of their own drum, and from the outside, are believed to have received a “gift”, but maybe the universe has just chosen them to speak through.
Few realise the endless hours of practice and self discipline that allows these talents to be realised, and mostly for little reward. I love the artist, but they are under valued.
Brett Whitely spoke of the need for every artist to acknowledge their “gift” and use it. It is not an option, but an imperative of being born with it, to realise it. You have no choice in the matter.
I am often weighed down by this “most difficult pleasure”. On occasions, I hide behind my talent in fear.
This is one of my favourite drawings. You have really depicted the real you in this image. Beautiful. Wendy